Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun with websites!

These are two drawings I did for side projects for fun and because I was asked to contribute something. I had a lot of fun doing both and I believe I'm getting better at my Photoshop digital coloring skills as time goes by. I hope it shows!

The "Alien at a lemonade stand" was done for a friend of mine who asked me to contribute to doodlecollage website. Thanks Dave for the honor! You should check out the website and see the talented people who contribute to it as I was blown away by the talent and the offer to do a drawing was an awesome opportunity I wasn't about to pass up.

The "Giraffe ridding a tricycle" is a new blogventure I have started with my good friend Brett Brooks. Our idea is to show both how our particular styles are different but also simular in some ways. You be the judge!?! Here is our site: Schisms Art

Welp!!! Back to the Drawing board!

1 comment:

Adam Glendye said...

i like that you are getting to do some artwork like these doodles (that is what i will call them since we all know i am such a great artist and know my cool lingo for art stuff) for other people. despite my sarcasm found ( ) you truly inspire me with your inspirations.
can't wait for you to post again!